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Fight Progression with Exercise


Exercise & Wellness

Less than 27% of people with PD get the recommended levels of exercise. Yet, exercise is proven to fight disease progression and improve symptoms.

Working Out at Home

Our Story

We wanted a support group for people living active, happy lives with Parkinson’s Disease. We couldn’t find one, so we started our own!

Tai Chi Practice Outdoors

Programs & Support

We offer everything you need to live well with Parkinson’s, from science-based exercise programs to peer-led support groups.



Important resources and information for Parkinson's Disease.

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“Exercise is absolutely crucial in Parkinson’s disease. Not only does it increase dopamine, allowing you to physically feel better, it reduces the risk of falls, improves mental health, and improves sleep. Next to taking medications, this is the most important thing a person can do to help themselves feel better and live longer”

Leon Meytin, M.D. Movement Disorder Neurologist Hartford HealthCare Chase Family Movement Disorders Center

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